Dispatches from the Edge of Chaos
November 18, 2024
nothingspeak (noun) Language or communication that appears profound or meaningful but is constructed with vague, semantically empty, or imprecise words,...
The Bl__k Swan Principle
August 9, 2024
The Blank Swan TL;DR The Blank Swan Principle posits that many seemingly unpredictable events (often mislabeled as "Black Swans") are actually detectable...
June 23, 2024
You read the title right. I like to say you can tell how much capacity I have have by how long my hair is. Is my head freshly shaven like Kratos or do I look...
Bucklebury Ferry QRF - 8 Minutes Out
March 31, 2024
And then at some point last year, in a manner I can't quite remember, I discovered that I was not the only person on the planet for which a fleeting moment...
Disrespect Your Elders
February 24, 2024
Do the young teams call a subject like this clickbait? Probably. This feels like it's going to be a long one, so we'll front load the point: TL;DR Respect...
Memories in Multicam Black
February 5, 2024
Dad’s dad - granddad Jan / Janek / Johann / Hans Zielinski was quite the character. Imagine being Polish and moving to the Scottish Highlands post WWII. Now...
January 29, 2024
Previously on the show I mentioned I hate music and words. I did not mention I also find everything interesting. One such Interesting Thing is "diversity”....
Grow or Adapt Questionmark Questionmark
January 15, 2024
So anyway, have you read Dweck's book about mindset? Me either. I know what it's about though. Two terms you're likely to have heard: Fixed vs Growth...
Same Sh!t Different Y**r
January 2, 2024
Aye so it’s 2024 now. Who cares? Somebody maybe. Since moving to the US (a decade ago in April) it’s been interesting to see the desperate uphill sprint-...
What do you read, my lord?
December 13, 2023
Hamlet: Words, words, words.Lord Polonius: What is the matter, my lord?Hamlet: Between who?Lord Polonius: I mean, the matter that you read, my lord. Just...
That Time CrossFit Died
December 11, 2023
So back in the day before everyone was born, [TW: fitness cult jargon incoming] I was on the CrossFit mainsite checking out the WODs and Fran came up. A...
Ambush the Outcome
October 22, 2023
As a coach*, little may be as frustrating as hearing a message you've been banging on about for over a decade parroted from someone(s) whose thick skull has...
September 13, 2023
*So I only recently found out what this word means. I thought I knew it meant "thoughtful" or "caring" but according to books that tell you the meaning of...
Cancellation Culture
August 12, 2023
Here. Nobody likes an overdog, right? Amaz🤮n sent me an email recently that my Prime subscription was going to renew in September. I took the opportunity to...
Patholigising Reality
July 13, 2023
Today is a day off for me. A day off a few things. I try to make Thursday a non-training day and will usually try to get some gaming in, perhaps some online...
July 10, 2023
On my morning yomp (see lore for today), I was thinking about sacrifice. My alarm went off at 05:00, but I knew today's duration was short, so let the alarm...
No Good Idea Goes Unpunished
July 7, 2023
Behold, the inaugural dispatch from the edge of chaos, if you're reading this it means you have started at the beginning for something. Not sure what. For...