Patholigising Reality
Today is a day off for me.
A day off a few things. I try to make Thursday a non-training day and will usually try to get some gaming in, perhaps some online course learning, running some errands and whatnot. I have to post some bumf today for example.
A day off training means I can potter about in the morning rather than fly into action. This morning it looked like the following:
Wake up, grab phone, make coffee, sit on step outside.
I like to see if there are any animal footprints around, see what the wee squirrels, birdies and bugs are up to, drink my coffee and check my phone to see if there's any banter in any threads I'm a part of or any interesting posts on various characterless platforms commonly known as social media. I consider it a nice comfy way to get my day started.
I am, of course, dead wrong. is all over Instatwitter telling me that my drinking coffee first thing is inhibiting the natural function of my adreanononsensidine and @missneurobabble is saying I'm destroying brain function by looking at my phone within 60 minutes of waking up.
There's also carnivores shouting at vegetables in super markets, emaciated nutritionists warning that eating food is worse than smoking or something, RDs crying if you're not monitoring your blood glucose with every bite you might wake up dead tomorrow and 19 year old childs demanding I do nordic curls or my ass will turn to posset.
The point I'm making is all these people are utterly disconnected from reality. Hand wringing and finger waving at people who are being crushed by the burdens of merely existing in the modern world, just like preachers of [insert faith]:
You're a sinner and the only way out is to do what I say and most importantly pay me money.
I've heard that in Delta Force selection (one of the highest echelon special forces units in the world) instructors tell candidates to "Do the best you can."
Nobody gets screamed at or told how shit they are or how many things they are getting wrong. Nobody gets encouraged. Yet because humans are incredibly adaptable, some people manage to get through everything that's thrown at them simply by doing the best they can.
All these fear mongers catering to the worried well will go away. Nothing they have to say is useful. They are constantly rattling on about how broken everything is without ever stopping to think that this is reality. There's no going back, there was never a utopia where things were better.
The people out there responding to questions with 'It depends', who talk about playing the long game, who say 'Just do the best you can' are the ones to pay attention to. The rest are just part of the problem they're barking about.
Don't worry about your morning coffee interrupting your adreanononsensidine function when it's the only moment of quiet reflection you have before a day full of being alive in reality.
Just do the best you can.
Lore for Today
Patholigising is spelled correctly as far as I'm concerned.
Childs is the plural for more than one child.
Bumf kind of just means "stuff" - especially paper work. Paperwork? Paper-work? Whatever.